I was 15 years old and attending Christmas Eve Midnight Mass with my family at Corpus Christi Church near our home in Pacific Palisades, California. I’d been to Midnight Masses here before along with hundreds of other services and although I’d had my moments with God nothing up to this point had uniquely resonated.
This Midnight Mass was a High Mass which meant priests beside the Presider were involved, and for no apparent reason I started looking at one who was sitting beside the altar. Somehow the look of serenity on this priest’s face first caught my attention, then enthralled me, then consumed me. Joy, uncontrollable joy, had somehow risen out of this moment, seemingly out of nowhere.
What the heck happened? I didn’t really know and didn’t care: all I knew was that in that 30 seconds my life had changed. The afterglow continued for several days, with me informing my family of a desire to become a priest. And although that never materialized, this experience was a kick-start to a long adventure with God and Jesus, one that has lasted until this day.
What has also lasted is a desire to gain perspective on this 30 seconds that happened more than 40 years ago. Was it truly an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a visceral touch of God on my heart and life? Was it merely the giddiness of a high-strung adolescent who was up past his bedtime? Both? Neither?
If an experience can be known by its fruits I would say the Spirit was involved. I can also say I naively expected to have more such experiences, to move from blessing to blessing, from high to high.
But to my chagrin this was more an isolated exception; throughout my life I can count similar occurrences on one hand. This is true for most of us. It has been noted that St. Theresa of Avila, considered one of the foremost practitioners and experts in mysticism, actually experienced periods of spiritual transcendence/ecstasy for only about 30 minutes in her life of 67 years.
Giving perspective to this reality, it is easy to focus on the “why so little?” side. Does God not shower us with more overt blessing because of our lack of faith? Our sin? Is it a result of the Fall? Or is it because God knows we couldn’t handle that much blessing, that much eternal in the temporal?
Conjecture aside, what God does give us is glimpses, little and sometimes larger looks into His existence and essence. We may want trips to the seventh heaven, but what we usually get is an unexpected revelation, a too good to be true coincidence, even a parking spot that opens up mysteriously. These glimpses sometimes get us by, sometimes wake us up, sometimes pull us from the brink.
Some years ago I was the Executive Director of the Hollywood Urban Project, a ministry to the low-income immigrant community of South Hollywood where we used glimpsing strategies with our youth. We took kids from our neighborhood to nearby colleges to give them a glimpse of what a college campus looked and felt like. We took kids from the wealthier outside neighborhoods and gave them an Urban Plunge (spending the night in the community house), giving them a glimpse of life in the ‘hood. Both groups were touched by these experiences.
God’s glimpsing gives us a taste, a bite without downing the whole enchilada. This is partly because God also wants us to “walk by faith, and not by sight,” not just trusting in experiences but in Him. He wants a relationship with us, a relationship based on faith and trust where seeking on the way to finding sharpens everything.
But God also knows we need our Midnight Masses along with our “lucky” parking spots. God indeed knows what He’s doing, and knows when to leave us alone, throw us a bone, or blow us away. And whether its 30 seconds of bliss or a lifetime of glimpse, God’s timing is always the fullness of time.